Bringing down the hated Berlin Wall, 1990
It is 25 years to the day since the Fall of the Berlin Wall – 9th November 1989. A quarter of a century ago the seemingly impossible happened and that grotesque symbol of a brutal totalitarian regime was breached. Not through violence or bloodshed, but through the non-violent, patient, persistent refusal of the people of the GDR – East Germany – to tolerate any longer the brutal, unjust and economically inept rule of a decaying communist regime.
It was a day not many had foreseen but what a day of rejoicing it was! This morning I took part in a discussion of that wonderful time on BBC Radio Scotland’s “Sunday Morning with Ricky Ross” programme.
The Berlin Wall
It’s 25 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall. We recall that historic turning point through the perspective of two people who had unique experiences of it at the time, Hans-Dieter Robel and Vivien Martin.